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The Böhmers

Till the years 900 n. Chr. lets it self trace back the history of the Böhmer´s.
However, the horse breeding was got only approx. 250 years ago as another main support leg of the Böhmerhof. At that time it was in the horse breeding for the moment about horses for the agricultural use.

 The horse breeding of sports horses established it self approx 100 years ago on the Böhmer´s Farm. Already from beginning the Böhmer´s Farm by his first-class breeding success gained a good name in the horse-riding.
The result of the horse breeding presents itself up to the current day by first-class saddle horses and show horses.
Several participations in Bundeschampionaten, European championships and world championships were reached.
Also in the German Olympic team the horses of the Böhmer´s Farm are represented.
Hermann Böhmer with his Stallion Böhmer's As, to the brother of Weyden's world reached the biggest success in the horse breeding.